There is this mysterious fruit that I have never seen before prior to my trip to Spain. While we were in Malaga, this pretty and delicate fruit came (as a decoration? or maybe part of the dish?) with our desserts at a french/asian fusion restaurant. Not only did it look very attractive, it tasted quite good as well. I can't really recall the taste anymore, but I remembered that I enjoyed eating it.

Daddy and mummy also got one with the dessert they ordered. Too bad we were unable to communicate with the waitress at the restaurant, so we didn't find out the name of the fruit. Also, we could not find it in both high end grocery stores and in the wet market.

I forgot all about this fruit until this weekend when I received a collection of chocolate recipes printed on cards from one of my friends.What are the odds that this mystery fruit happened to make it on the picture for the chocolate fondue recipe!
Anyone has any clue as to what this fruit is called?
It's a physalis or cape gooseberry.
The outer paper like wrap is pulled open and wrapped decorativly around the stem.
I am impressed!
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