First year we celebrate Christmas in our own house, so we decide to decorate a bit. We were debating about getting a christmas tree. A plastic one doesn't look too good, and those that looks more real aren't that cheap either. Another option is getting a real christmas tree, but to kill a tree just for display doesn't make too much sense either. So instead, we designated our lemon tree to be the christmas tree. And then we decorate it! Enjoy!

Also put up some icicle lights at the front too.
very nice! inspires me to put up lights.
I like the tree photo
Hey, looks nice, like home during Chinese New Year.
I like it! Home must always be full of seasonal spirit.
It is where everyone looks forward to come back, where ever you may be.
Always fill it up with love ;)
OMG that is a lot of lights :)
There are a lot of lights, but I think there are still more lemons than lights on the tree.
Job well done Pei Sun and Choon!
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