This is my official time for the Bay to Breakers this year. It's nice this year that we get a timing chip that starts counting when you cross the start line, unlike previous years where the time starts counting at 8am, and by the time we get to the start line, it's already like 20-30 minutes after they have started the race. Not to mention there is always a long wait at the finish line where people manually collect part of your bibb to give you the time. I am quite happy with the time for the 12K run, which also included a water and bathroom break. hehe. I ran it with Amy, which was nice, since we are about the same height, so we can run at the same pace. We went with couple of ppl that were over 6ft, and of course they pulled away from us. How much advantage does a tall person when running compared to a short person? Matt clocked 1:05-ish, and if we assume a linear relationship for height to the time, then technically, we both clocked the same time. So, is this a fair comparison?
We didn't see as many ppl in costumes and floats this yr. I saw about a total of say 10-20 naked ppl, which is about the same as what I saw last yr. I think my favorite costume this yr are two ppl that has solar cells attached to their caps, and their t-shirts said "powered by renewable energy".
Oh yea, and usually ppl throw tortilla before the start of the race. For some reason, I have an affinity towards these randomly thrown tortilla. I got slapped on the face, got hit on the head, on the butt etc etc... definitely the person that got hit the most among our group of 8 ppl.
1 comment:
Next year, I'll make it a point to be in SFO, watching :)
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