Some updates for our renovation project....

After all the sewage and other piping was in place and inspected, the progress for the foundation nearly came to an end as well. The re-bars & other embedded elements were secured in place and inspected by the City last Thursday, before they could pour the concrete in. A special inspection was done on last Saturday as well... meaning our structural engineer came on site to directly supervise the installation of all threaded rods/holdowns into the existing concrete. As shown on the picture - retrofitted sill place anchor bolts into existing concrete with the used of epoxy adhesives.
So Monday, which happened to be Columbus Day, was the official day for the completion of the foundation. The concrete mixer truck came at 3pm sharp. In about 7 minutes, the concrete was poured from the mixer truck into a concrete pumping truck that was connected to a long flexible pipe.

The concrete then came out of the tube that was moved, by hand, and by a guy with a remote-control device hanging around his waist (to control the amt of flowing concrete), where a bunch of guys with various tools spread and smooth the concrete. It was quite fun to watch the whole process and indeed every efficient to transport large quantities of concrete over long distances. The last time I saw the process of filling in concrete was loonngg time ago back in Malaysia... using wheelbarrows and buckets. :-/ Shown below was one of the location to be filled with concrete. Can you recognize which part of the house is this? ... thanks to our decision regarding moving the toilet! So mUCh work! ...breaking the concrete, digging, excavating, piping, and finally filling in the concrete.... yes, it's the bathroom & the office! It looks like crap indeed.

After covering up all the pipes, they went ahead to fill in portion of the kitchen/garage foundation. Below is the picture of the foundation at the new addition area.

It took them about 30 mins to finish 50% of the area, and another 30 mins to complete the other half.

Another 5-10mins to smooth out the whole area... there you go, our new foundation was done at 4:20pm on Monday! Total of 2 truckload concrete was used for our project. Apparently they dug 2 inches deeper than they should. So our new concrete foundation is 6" thick instead of 4".

I came back again in the evening to pick up mails... and this was how it looked on Monday late afternoon.

When I was about to leave... I saw this 'thing' hanging in the middle of the air at about one foot away from my face. !&%^!#$!@*!! It was a freaking HUGH spider!! The stomach was about an inch big! With the legS and all... it's about 2 inches wide!!! I HATE spider!! Of course... I 'sent him to heaven'.

When I got to the construction site the following day, around 10:45am. they already had the exterior framing done! No photos though... forgot to bring camera. :P But here's a photo of ChoonPing relaxing... after looking at the photos that I took last night.

Good progress....
6" floor is impressive.
Back home, sometimes we get only 3" though the spec says 4".
Take it easy with the spiders, they have been staying in that house long before you guys moved in.
Oh my my... it is a major job... where are you staying now?? See toro sleeping on your lap, so comfy..:)
We're temporarily staying at our friend's apt.
wow... it's amazing what they can do in these renovations. also love how Choon has been adopted by the kitties.
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