Friday, August 22, 2014

Just the beginning......

Look at this "qiak char boh".... she's climbing here and there now.

Pulling out the facial tissue!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Some photos of April and May

April 6th
WeiYang was trying to help his papa out to assemble his new bed!

April 10th
Weather has become warmer.... a little picnic at our backyard
April 13th &17th, 2014

Flowers from our Garden...
Azalea & Bird of Paradise

Black Rose & Lotus Berthelotii

Rhododendron, & Ice Plant with Lavender, Roses at the background

Pluot for this year seems abundant..... & Cymbidium Orchid

Blueberries & our all year round lemons!

April 23rd, 2014
Perfecting her cruising skill!
 April 24th, 2014 - Having fun at La Petite Playhouse @ Redwood City

May 1st, 2014
WL lounging at the poolside @ Incline Village, Tahoe; while Wy was enjoying hot tub with papa

May 29th, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

Visits to the Park

The Spring for 2014 seems to be quite dry.  The weather has become so nice that I got to bring Wy to the park closed by our place.  He loves the swing now...
Wy was wearing my brother's wool sweater, which I think it was bought in Japan while we were there in 1976. Mom kept it for her grand kids I guess... but the Malaysian grandkids don't need wool sweater...  so now it belongs to Wy. :)   Can't believe the sweater is at least 36 yrs old!  The color is still nice and bright. :)

At Cannery Park near our house:

At Flood Park near ah girl's house:
This is WeiLing first time on the swing. She seemed to like it; not complaining at least. hehe...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blood Moon

Got to watch the total lunar eclipse on Monday night, April 14, 2014, after putting the kids to bed. :)   The weather was not perfectly clear; a bit cloudy actually.  But it was very pretty still.  Glad that I didn't have to stand in the cool night out waiting.  All I had to do was peak out of the kitchen window occasionally while I caught up doing the laundry and some housework.  I only went out to take these photos and then came back right in.  Couldn't find our mini tripod, so I used an empty tissue box to support the camera.  A bit blurry but I'm ok with that. :)

Wish the event happened a little bit earlier.... Wy would be very happy watching the moon.  I'm sure he would recite the famous poem by Li Bai while watching/looking it

...a poem which was taught to him by his ah gong. :)