Wei Yang's sleeping schedule has improved quite a bit recently. He hits a few 3-hour straight of sleeping at night. The longest hour he had so far was 5 hours 55 minutes. This was when Xin and Shwe came to look after him that night. After they left, I kept checking on him at the door just to make sure that I hear his breathing sound. It seemed unbelievable... However, his sleeping schedule for the following day was horrible! Back to square one... waking up every 1-1.5 hours for the whole night! Guess I need Xin and Shwe to drop by more often. ;P

Yesterday was a great day for Wei Yang, I did get some good rest. Plus I had 4 placenta pills the day before and another 2 capsules in the morning! mmm... the power of the pills! I ended up having lots of energy, thus bringing Wei Yang to San Mateo visiting Hasnain, Zainab, and 5-month old Khalil. Khalil smiles a lot and is really cute! He's skinny and long... which makes Wei Yang quite chunky when compare with him. They were sooo cute when both of them were placed on the play mat! Wei Yang tried out Khalil's swinger. He loves it! Guess it's time to shop one from Craigslist!

Two more days, Choon Ping will be back... along with his parents. :D Yay! I can't wait to have a 4-hour straight of uninterrupted sleep. It's been a while since I had that.
hm... think I'm done unloading my brain for now... thanks to Jocelyn & Albert again for bringing me dinner... and bagels too! Signing off now... Zzz