No matter how much we have told Winston that Toro is awaiting him, he couldn't really understand. So while he is busy checking out the living room, Toro came up from behind and sniffed him. That's when Winston was shocked, and he became anxious, alert, and defensive. He growled at Toro, and Toro growled back. That's when we realized, not good! We have made a mistake. So we decided to isolate both cats. So Winston was moved to the study room, where he is free to roam around. But he is still in shock and defensive, so he growls at me when started patting him. That's because I haven't gained his trust, and he thought that I am on Toro's side since I brought the cat out from no where. We know Winston is scared, but even then he didn't bite or claw me. So obviously he hasn't hurt people before. He made a funny sound, a much lower tone sound when he is not happy. It took a while for Pei Sun and him to be in the study room before he starts meowing again. It seemed like they are not ready for one another yet. So poor Winston was isolated for the rest of the day. Pei Sun was in the room accompanying him most of the time. And Ah Girl and Matt came to visit Winston as well.
Day2. After Winston slept alone last night ... :( More like Pei Sun accompanying him until 3am this morning. I let Winston out of the study room to roam around the house while keep Toro in the master bedroom this time. He was really nervous and cautious at the beginning, but got pretty comfortable after a while. He and Toro now shares the house. So when Toro naps in the afternoon, he is out again checking things out.
He made himself really comfortable at the end.
Toro claims the house again at night.
We tried to introduce them again, this time through a door, so that they can't fight. Toro made this friendly eager to meet sound, but poor Winston is still defensive and growls most of the time. So we decided that it is not time yet. Will have to re-introduce them again tomorrow.
1 comment:
Have a little patience, and every thing will be alright.
Later you may find them playing too wildly instead....
Good luck ;)
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